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Book Your Appointment for a Physiotherapy treatment or a Free consultation, using the form.

Physiotherapy addresses the injuries that limit a person's abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives

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Physiotherapists (Physical Therapists) can help improve your ability to move and function while also benefiting your general fitness and health. Physical Therapists help people with lower back and neck pain or osteoporosis, joint and soft tissue injuries such as fractures, neurologic conditions such as strokes, connective  tissue injuries, chronic pulmonary disease, workplace injuries including repetitive stress disorders, sports injuries, post surgery recovery, as well as spinal cord injury or Parkinson’s disease.

Our goal is to get you on the road to recovery.

One of the best ways of finding out what kind of therapy is best for you is via rehabilitation clinic. We use different combination of treatment. Our mission is to return our patients to pre-injury condition quickly and efficiently through a full range of passive and active rehabilitation programs. We will design a unique program of care for each patient to help you recover faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no difference between the physiotherapy and physical therapy, this treatment helps patients with balance, manage pain, mobility, and motor function. In Most cases you may be referred to one after an injury, surgery or a car accident.

Physiotherapy (Physical Therapy) can help improve your ability to move and function while also benefiting your general fitness and health.

Best practice is ” Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation” it is any pain treatment that uses a low voltage electric current to relieve pain, you can use TENS at home, it is also  recommended that you do home exercises program that physiotherapist suggests to you.

The best treatment for achilleas tendonitis is a shockwave therapy

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident your treatments will be covered. The health care practitioner or the insurance adjuster will provide you with the necessary forms that you need to complete and we can submit on your behalf to your auto insurance company. An approved treatment plan will cover a physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathic or massage therapy expense incurred after the annual maximum coverage of your extended health benefits has been reached.

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board pays us directly for work related injuries. The Health Care Practitioner will call to WSIB to confirm a Program of Care and submit a necessary forms.

Yes we do. We bill directly most of the insurance companies and can submit invoices directly to the insurance company so depends on your insurance plan you do not have to pay for your treatment or pay just a difference of the coverage.

What Our Patients Who Have Treated In Our Clinic Did Say?

Our hard work and experience helped us make you healthy and happy.

Essential Physio Rehabilitation would love to hear from you! To schedule an appointment contact us today.

Physiotherapy Services

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Please provide us with a brief detailed message, and we will get back to ASAP with your appointment details, or give us a call now

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